This is the seventh in a series of articles all about how we prepare for your wedding photography. To read more of this series, please go to the index on Preparing for Your Wedding Photography.
Dasha and I set a high bar for ourselves at each wedding.
Photography these days has become so throwaway and consumerist. We all scroll through Facebook and Instagram and emails with powerpoint slides and we are bombarded by hundreds of images every week.
For this reason, we always look for at least ONE absolutely amazing photo that, when people see it, will make them stop and look – even if it’s just for half a second – longer than at any other photo. We call this the ‘killer’ shot.
It’s the photo which makes you come back time and again and remember your happy day, that you get printed onto canvas, or framed and hung onto a wall.
That’s not to say we only take one great photo at your wedding, of course. It’s just that there has to be something really unique and memorable and special just for you, and only you, for your wedding.
These shots can take mere seconds or several minutes to set up, but will last a lifetime. Often with weddings, we have the good fortune of taking several of these shots and in those cases the hardest thing for you is to decide which one deserves pride of place on your wall.
Below is just a small selection of some of our recent favourites but there are countless others – we have a slideshow that runs on our TV when you come to visit so you’ll be able to see many more!
[…] Next up: The ‘Killer’ Shot […]
[…] The ‘Killer’ Shot […]