This is the tenth in a series of articles all about how we prepare for your wedding photography. To read more of this series, please go to the index on Preparing for Your Wedding Photography.
Want a free wall-hanging canvas or acrylic print from your wedding? Used Danish Apple Photography as your photographers? Read on!
So, you’re all wedding’ed out? Got the ring, booked the honeymoon and bought the tshirt??
Marital bliss is upon you, the wife/husband is already settling into their new role alongside you (or perhaps diligently tagging along behind you?) and life is sweet.
Well, almost. Hang on to your hats because if it wasn’t enough that we ask you for money to pay for our photos, I’m going to ask you for one final, small favour; a review.
As I said at the very beginning, most of our clients are referrals from previous couples. It’s very important to me and I’d like for it to stay that way. Of course, people can find us on the net, through the usual means, but the biggest thank you I can get out of this is when someone is so happy that they want everyone else to know about it. Our reviews page contains a small selection of the kind words that have been said by previous clients and I want you to be part of that!
So, while you are sitting there fiddling with the new adornment on your finger, sipping your hot cocoa with your feet up in front of the fire and cuddling together under a blanket with the cat purring in your lap (erm….) please just take a few minutes to get in touch with us and provide us with some feedback that we can share with others.
Share your experience on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Yammer, Blammer, Whammer, and whatever other ammer is out there (ok I admit I may have made a couple of those up) and link to us, spread the word!
Of course, for paying us, we thank you. But for giving us your kind words, you will have our eternal gratitude as it’s what allows us to continue to do what we love – Thank you!
And what’s more – anyone sending a referral our way will now get a bonus canvas or acrylic print of their choice from their own wedding photos!*
(*obviously, we can only offer this to existing clients and only following a fully paid referral, so make sure that whoever you recommend us to tells us that you sent them our way!)
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