A few of you may have seen the two recent shots of Gareth shot during a great photo session over the weekend, posted up on our Facebook page. It was an absolutely fantastic workshop and I’ll be posting up a few more from that session another day but for now I wanted to share some other photos from the same day.
We were also joined on the day by Dennis (more on him later) and his beautiful wife Claudia. The above was another inspired shot setup from Dasha.
They were both quite natural and easy to bring at ease. Dennis, however, is an incredibly easy-going photo subject, unlike a lot of us who just grin obscenely and otherwise tend not to be comfortable in front of camera, and it shows. That’s part of the job of the photographer, to make the shots look natural by bringing the models, bride and groom, family, whoever else it is, into a comfortable zone. To make them feel at ease. Personally, I involve a lot of light-hearted humour and am reknowned for making some terrible jokes which always brings a smile, usually preceded by a groan (“Pencils… what’s the point?”). Of course, sometimes you come across some people where playing to the camera comes naturally.
Claudia tells me she does not generally feel very comfortable in front of camera. I find that hard to believe. She also wanted a couple of linkedin profile shots, so we duly obliged by sitting her in a chair and she shared that wonderful smile with us:)
Finally, I just wanted to share one of the first shots of the day, with Dennis up front and centre before we had even set all the lights up as we wanted them.
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